Report a Concern
This is not a 911 or emergency reporting site. Reports submitted through this service will not receive an immediate response. If you witness an incident in progress, medical emergency, or have been a victim of a safety or security incident, call 911 immediately. This form is intended to collect information related to campus safety and security.
Please read the following information before submitting your report: If you are an NWU employee looking to report a concern about a specific student that is not a safety or security concern, please visit CARE Connect. If you are looking to report an incident of sexual misconduct that does not present a safety or security concern, please contact a Title IX Coordinator to receive the most efficient response: titleix [at] (titleix[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu). If you are looking to report a bias incident that is not a safety or security concern, please contact our Bias Education Response Team (BERT): reportbias [at] (reportbias[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu). If you are a student and wish to file a Formal Student Complaint about an issue you have had in some area of the University (not a safety or security concern), you can find out about that process on the Formal Student Complaint page. If you are a student or employee with a concern about accessibility or accommodation needed due to a disability, please contact hr [at] (hr[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu). If you have with a concern about accessibility on-campus or would like to request accommodations for a disability, please contact hr [at] (hr[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu).
Use this form to report concerns related to campus safety that do NOT constitute an emergency. Concerns submitted to this webpage will be sent to the campus security administration team and then forwarded to the appropriate campus office for response. Reports received outside of working hours and on University holidays will be addressed as soon as possible. As a reporting party, you may be contacted for additional information and/or follow-up.
Information included in this form (including your name, contact information, and other identifying information) is considered private and will only be shared with campus officials to the extent necessary to adequately assess and respond to your concern. You have the option to submit information without providing your name and/or contact information. However, doing so will limit the university's ability to follow up with your concern.